lauantai 9. marraskuuta 2013

Hate the world, love the human

Even when the world is turning
human stays inside my soul
Even when the world is rumbling
human stays with my soul
Even when the world is perishing
human doesnt die
Look at it, be not transparent to your self
Dont be afraid, it will not overcome you
Take my hand and be loyal to your self
Even when the world is worth of hate and anger
Human isn't dependful of it,
of world in its vastness and in its superficial, quick temper
Human is worth of divine support
Helping hand in its omnipotence
Human doesn't die, even when she is killed
Everyone of us can contribute to a new future
Where person is not killed when he dies
World can be formed to a new brightful heaven
Where people doesnt wait for superhuman leading
World is even when the people are not
But people can be even then when there is no heavenly earth
Humans in their vastness and diversity
They will build a new world after the world is overcome and forgotten
enchanted faces of us will turn this thing in its place

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