sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2024

My application for membership of the Conservative Monday Club

To whom this may concern,III I am a journalist and writer, and I have written about ten books, of which the latest is a biography of my family's early member Reinhold von Becker (1788-1858). I have also written a three volume edition of my family's history. My family had been ennobled in 1653 and after that in 1769. I have been a member of the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus) in Finland in my youth and now from last month. I have voted for the National Coalition Party in almost every Election during my adulthood. I have been an anglophile from my earliest toddler memories. I know that it was a source of hilarity to my chums and pals during my earliest school years. I lived in England during my high school as an exchange student. In my family history there are lots of English people, nobility and royals, but especially in Scotland, where I have traced my family links to Robert the Bruce and William Wallace, for example. I have studied the history of Great Britain from my early teens. My family's history in Finland is many times longer than the history of independent Finland, so I have always been fond of older and more cultivated and educated cultures of central and western Europe. The National Coalition Party is in its ideology the nearest party in Finland with comparison to the Conservative Party of Britain. I have studied the history of Conservative Party, most recent contact was when I read the autobiographies of Kenneth Clarke, William Waldegrave, Alec Douglas-Home and Ferdinand Mount. Maybe the nearest link in my family history with Britain, is Belfrage-family, which was of Scottish landed gentry, and of which one member of the family moved to Sweden. From this contact I have family history and link with Aldie Castle in Kinrosshire. That was the property of my ancestors, Mercer-family, and before that of Tullibardine-family which has been claimant to the Duke of Atholl-family for hundreds of years. I also have ancestors through Plantagenets. I have been at least 30 times in Britain as a ”tourist”. Nowadays I have planned that I may finish my doctoral dissertation on political philosophy in Britain. Dissertation will be about the vulnerable connection between economics and ethics, especially high-pointing creative participation, game theory, Pareto-optimalism and applied philosophy, especially applied ethics. I know Finns that live in Britain, and British people in Finland. I have always admired the cultivation and genteelness of British people, even though my consideration may be class-biased, but I cannot change my view of life in such an easy way. I have translated the cultural ethos and especially school system of Britain in Finland, mostly through my columnist work and other ways of writing to the papers. My family is of Baltic-German heredity, but as well as I have some British ancestry, I am also related to genteel families in Sweden, France, Russia, Turkey and Netherlands. From my name line my ancestors have been in the last two centuries gentleman farmers and lords of the manor's. My family owned most of the local vicinity of Luhanka and Sysmä in 1700's and 1800's. My grandfather died about six years ago,and I always had great respect and piety for him. He was indeed a gentleman. I never even heard him farting in the about thirty years of which I had an honour to know him. Sic! In summary: I may move to Britain in the near future. Because of my political views,and because of that I have been aware of existence and history of your Monday Club from my teens, I would like to enquire is it possible for Conservative thinking Finn who has been anglophile from most of his years and who is about to move to Britain to enter Monday Club as member. III This is the issue I would like to make sure. III Kind Regards, Olli von Becker

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